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Screening Options & Pricing


Wondering which screening option will work best for your needs?  Read below to learn more about our services and if you have specific questions, call our office to speak with a caring staff member at (281) 803-5880.  We can help you determine if thermography, ultrasound, or a combination of both is the best approach for your needs or if perhaps you would benefit from a different type of test.  Ultimately, we want you to get the answers you need for optimal health care.

THERMOGRAPHY Click here to jump to thermography pricing

Checks for indications of:

  • Stress and dysfunction in organs (i.e. thyroid, spleen, kidneys, etc.)

  • Inflammation

  • Immune dysregulation (common with chronic fatigue, autoimmune, etc.)

  • Low-grade or acute infection

  • Blood sugar issues/metabolic dysfunction

  • Circulatory and nerve function issues

  • Lymphatic congestion

  • Suspicious activity in the breasts, warranting further evaluation

  • Fibrocystic activity

  • Possible hormone imbalance

  • Joint inflammation or dysfunction

  • Raynaud's or CRPS

All thermography services include:

  • Imaging session with certified clinical thermographer (technician)

  • Interpretation by medical doctors who have been board-certified in thermology

  • Copy of the report and images

  • Complimentary Report Review consult to discuss your report & consideration of next steps

ULTRASOUND Click here to jump to ultrasound pricing

Checks for indications of:

  • Structural abnormalities

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes

  • Lumps, masses, fibroids, nodules (can monitor for changes)

  • Cysts (fluid-filled lump, benign condition)

All ultrasound services include:

  • Imaging session with an experienced Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

  • Read by board-certified radiologists

  • Results sent to you and/or your referring doctor (doctor's order is not necessary)

  • Copy of your images on disc

Important Note for Female Clients:

Any woman coming in for a thermogram that includes the breast region (such as the Full Body, Upper Body, Breast, or Two Regions scan for example) will also need to complete a comparison breast scan in 3 months to confirm that her breast patterns are stable and non-suspicious.


Every woman has a unique breast thermal pattern, like a fingerprint, that should stay the same throughout her life. At the first scan, the doctor can see whether there are significantly suspicious findings but in some cases, disease pattterns can be more subtle. When the breast comparison scan is completed 3 months after the first, the doctor can check your patterns and confirm whether they are stable or suspicious. If all is well, we will have successfully established your unique "normal" and the doctor can recommend annual screenings thereafter.

There is no comparison scan needed for breast ultrasounds. Annual breast ultrasounds are sufficient unless abnormalities are present and require monitoring.


Full Body Thermogram  ($550)

Includes images of: Head, neck, chest, back, abdomen, upper extremities, and lower extremities

*Note: Does not image or evaluate the brain or bones. Does not include the 3-month comparison breast scan needed for new female clients.

Half Body Thermogram  ($450)

Includes images of: Head, neck, chest, back, and abdomen

*Note: Does not image or evaluate the brain, bones, or extremities (arms, hands, hips, legs and feet). Does not include the 3-month comparison breast scan needed for new female clients.

Comprehensive Breast Evaluation  ($435)

Includes TWO breast thermograms (initial and comparison), which include images of:

Both breasts, underarms, and upper back

*Saves you $35 compared to booking these two breast scans separately!*

Since every woman has a unique thermal pattern in the breast region, it is essential that every woman completes an initial breast scan AND a comparison breast scan in 3 months.  This ensures that the patterns shown at your initial breast scan are indeed normal for you and is the same pattern shown at your second scan 3 months later.  


Once these two scans are completed, the thermologist can recommend routine annual scans.  This is absolutely necessary for the proper use of medical thermography for breast imaging purposes.

Initial Breast Only Thermogram  ($250)

Includes images of: Both breasts, underarms, and upper back

*Note: Does not include the 3-month comparison breast scan needed for new female clients.

Breast Follow-Up Thermogram  ($220)

Includes images of: Both breasts, underarms, and upper back

This is for returning clients needing their annual breast scan or for women coming in every 3-6 months​ to closely monitor a condition or progress of therapies.

Two Regions Thermogram  ($345)

Includes images of: Any two regions of interest in the body (i.e. the chest and abdomen)


One Region Thermogram  ($235)

Includes images of: Any one region of interest in the body (i.e. the abdomen or the head)

*Note: One Region thermograms can be used for any area except the breast region. Also note, thermography cannot image or evaluate the brain or bones.

Thermography Pricing
Ultrsound Pricing


Breast Ultrasound - Bilateral  ($295)

Examination of both breasts and underarms


Breast Ultrasound - Unilateral  ($240)

Examination of one breast and corresponding underarm 

*Note: Only recommended for women actively monitoring a specific abnormality on one side. All other cases, we recommend bilateral ultrasounds, as suspicious findings can often be found in the asymptomatic breast.

Any questions?

Call us at (281) 803-5880

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