Our team specializes in health screenings using non-invasive imaging technologies and advanced lab testing to increase early detection and support preventive health strategies.
What you don't know can hurt you and we are passionate about early detection, prevention and your overall wellbeing.
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Thermography Overview
We know that most diseases do not appear overnight. In most cases, disease silently develops for years before its damaging effects can be detected or felt in daily life. Our bodies are amazing in that they are constantly fighting disease and processing toxins, all while we go about our routines, typically unaware of potential issues.
Extensive research has clearly proven that a common link and precursor to almost all diseases, including cancers, is inflammation. Inflammation is invisible to the human eye, as well as conventional tests like MRI, X-ray, Mammogram, and Ultrasound, for example.
Thermography is a safe, non-invasive medical imaging technology that is completely unique in its ability to see the function, or physiology, of the body. It views this physiology by measuring the infrared thermal patterns, or heat, being emitted from the body. And what does inflammation, that common-denominator in many diseases, generate? Heat.
So why not take a look?

Stacey, Pearland TX
“I drove from Lufkin to have a thermogram at one of the mobile sites. It was quick and noninvasive. Rebekah was very courteous and friendly... she puts you at ease so that you feel like a person and not just a customer. I highly recommend Thermography of Houston!"
Betty, Houston TX
“I am so thankful for Bloom Wellness. The experience I had there was great. Quick, thoughtful and non-invasive. Rebekah is knowledgeable and thorough and makes you at ease.”